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2022 YouTube Edition: Health


If you aren't familiar with these lists, we collect our favorite YouTube videos that we come across during the year and then share them with you the following year. We curate the videos saved and come up with various categories depending on what we have watched. Make sure you go back to see the previous blog posts and what videos were chosen!

This month is Mental Health month! (Along with now 50 OTHER month dedications....) But I really support the constant reminder that our mental health is important and to create better patterns for the rest of the year. In this month's list, I wanted to focus on Health in general as your physical state can also affect your mental and emotional state. It's all connected under the general umbrella of 'health'.

Normal thoughts VS Intrusive Thoughts: How To Tell The Difference

This one is a common problem for both John and I. For myself, I remember as a kid, having thoughts pop into my head that would truamatize me and then feel so guilty about having thoughts that I didn't even want in the first place! It really heightened my fear and anxiety of possibilities in the world that the dark side of humanity could do. It still follows me and haunts me daily, but I at least have some method to lessen the impact or try to push away the thoughts quicker. Unfortunately it still takes time out of my day and my energy. Very interesting to watch and I'd highly recommend watching this video.

Anesthesiologist reaction to "anesthesia challenge"

This video was both hilarious and apalling. I think the reaction to what was going on was the funniest part...however also terrifying to know that this video exists. Even if this video was staged...It is 100% possible this HAS happened without anyone recording. And to know that THAT exists/existed is apalling. I try to stay away from that realm and just watch for the amusing content it is supposed to be. :D

[WARNING: These videos can be very dark and not suited for all ages. Very heavy topics, proceed with caution.]

This next topic apparently had two videos. I didn't realize we watched it with two of our usual YouTube reviewers but makes sense why it was somewhat familiar the second time we watched it. It's fun to see that even though two YouTubers watched the same video, they went over some different aspects that the other didn't touch. There were, of course, overlaps on what happened in the story, who the characters were, what they did etc...but some of their focus was on different things making these two videos...different. So feel free to just pick one to watch or watch both to not only see what the story is about, but see how two people approach the same movie.

A Hidden Masterpiece: Mary And Max

Steve Reviews: Mary and Max

[WARNING: These videos can be very dark and not suited for all ages. Very heavy topic, proceed with caution.]

While we are still in this [WARNING] section...I have ONE more to throw in...

Steve Reviews: My Little Goat

[WARNING: These videos can be very dark and not suited for all ages. Very heavy topic, proceed with caution.]

Oh Boy. So normally I don't like watching horror/thriller/gore. The gore part I was able to kinda of be ok with because these were stop motion creations and I knew made out of craft supplies, The topic and story were dark but realistic and well written. Very shocking and gave you something to really sit back and think about. If this doesn't look like it's for you, then don't watch. I only recommend you watch this if you like this stuff or are just really interested and don't get truamatized easily.

Guy with Real Tourettes Reacts to Tiktoker Faking Tourettes

This video came about awhile ago as well as the TikTok video prior to that. I believe she retracted her statements and has gone into hiding. Though there are many things wrong with what she did, what is done is done. So now the video serves to be a good reminder of how to recognize when someone is faking tourettes. Now I don't have tourettes, nor do I have a loved one with it nor do I even know anyone personally with it. However, I DO understand the struggles of dealing with issues that are chronic and you have to find ways to just suffer *less* while living with them. That attitude is the same. The key is seeing how they react to having the same issue pop up again and again that is out of their control (that they have done before without issues) and it greatly impacts their daily living. The constant reminder of 'I can't do this normally because my body doesn't want to function'. The deep anger about having to deal with this on a daily basis with NO rest and reprieve. The repetition of having to endure this, and knowing that you will have to endure this for the rest of your existence. His reactions and responses are funny which is why we saved this video. Watch this and see if you can start seeing the differences between the two people.

This Is What's Causing Your Back Pain

This video is a little personal in that I suffer from chronic back pain. So going through this video was an eye opener. Yes they explained it to me at the pain management clinic, but having a video to help break down more of the pieces and allow you to see further helped immensely. I would greatly recommend watching and suggest you find ways to adapt and protect your back! It's never too late.

ASTIGMATISM vision vs NORMAL vision

Funny and sad to say that this video has done better to explain astigmatism to me than all the medical professionas/ads/brochures/textbooks have ever done. If you've had trouble learning what this is or trouble explaining this to others, watch the video.

7 Common Myths About ADHD That Stigmatize People

One of those videos where John and I are laughing the whole time and relating to a lot of what is being said. We really love listening to Dr. Tracey Marks and her videos in general are a great go-to to start picking up on some side information. Great little bites of information that have such depth (and for us, relatability). Go watch and learn a little!

Yeardley's ex-boyfriend

Oh man, JCS (Jim Can't Swim) is such a great criminal psychology channel and they break down the whole case with the interrogations so well. It's like a well put-together drama with the chill of "This is REAL". I had a list in the prior years that covered some other REALLY good videos they have that we liked. Sit back and enjoy!

Misophonia, Phonophobia, and Hyperacusis: Auditory Sensitivity and Mental Health

This one was an interesting to watch and for us really related. I made this connection a few years back when wondering why my PTSD nightmares were so high despite having more periods of rest and calm? It was the noises outside or around me during the night that my brain would KEEP processing and creating unnerving scenes/feelings in my dreams. We were also sleeping on the side of the home closes to the other building that had a VERY loud and obnoxious neighbor. Kind of hard to have restful sleep when you hear constant verbal abuse being screamed out their windows into your bedroom. Where else can you escape and how can you escape the PTSD triggers already wired in?

The videos is a very fascinating topics that makes me wonder how much those with synesthesia overlaps autism in terms of sensory disorder? (Not that synesthesia is a 'disorder' but the possible different wirings of sensory inputs may be connected?). It poses some interesting ideas having lived with this all my life.

And with that, we come to the conclusion of this post! We really hope you find a video you enjoy and a video that you learned something eye-opening or jaw-dropping or...surprising. The world is full of fascinating things that are waiting for us to discover and learn about.

Never stop learning. Never stop exploring. Never stop discovering. Never stop adventuring!

See you in the next list next month!

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