We are creating this Forum Page to keep up with updates on what is going on with our website and with our business. They don't usually need a full blog page and may need to be posted earlier than monthly, so this seemed like the best place for any sudden mentions.
We are working on specifically the website this month. So lots of changes are in the works as we speak. Many of our free items are going to be behind a subscription to our website but are still going to be free. We apologize our website has been such a pain to maneuver through last year. Wix had it one way where we learned it, then they updated I think about 2 different times since and changed it so much that their tutorials are out of date. We have had to make time to stay home and go through relearning, fixing, updating, and finalizing many pages.
If you encounter any issues with your visit, please also mention them here so we can keep tabs on what needs our attention. Thank you for your patience and we can't wait to see what this website will turn into in just a few more months!
If anyone is willing to spare a few hours every month to help us out on the SEO or website-building side, we would greatly appreciate that!
Thank you for your time and patience.
Here we go!