Rynebau Crystallia
Sex: Female
Species: Faerie
Storyline: Aelrune
Year of Creation:
Full Name:
Meaning Behind Name:
Meaning Behind Nicknames:
Age Based on Appearance:
Blood Type:
Top Expressions Used:
Speech Pattern:
Main Language:
Personality Summary:
Skin Tone:
Body Structure/Build:
Dominant Hand:
Choice of Attire:
Simple Pleasures:
Greater Pleasures:
Life Goals:
Short Term Goals:
Long Term Goals:
Relationship Skills:
Birth Place:
Birth Order:
Intelligence Level:
Patience Level:
Ruled by Emotion or Logic:
Introvert or Extrovert:
Optimist or Pessimist:
Motto/Personal Quote:
Musical Talent:
Full Name::Rynebau Crystallia
Pronunciation:: Rainbow Cryst-all-ia
Sex:: female
Blood Type:: unknown
Birth date::unknown
Birth Place::Kingdom Crystallia
Birth Order::Unknown
Family:: Unknown
Occupation::Crowne's Assistant
Title/Rank::Princess (doesn't remember)
Hobbies/Pastimes:: yearning for Crowne, getting new clothes, writing in her diary
Skills/Powers:: Has magic (doesn't know nor has any interest in finding out if she does), can translate any language into the universal language
Symbol:: Diamond Swirl
Home:: Kingdom Crystallia
Earliest Memory:: Doesn't recall anything
Childhood:: Doesn't recall anything
Favorite memory:: Meeting Crowne, her knight in shining armor
Most important Memory:: Meeting Crowne
Backstory:: Rynebau was found abandoned and left for dead in an empty can by Crowne. A few days after Crowne and Jewel had settled into their new home, Crowne went out and stumbled across the hurt faerie. Rynebau believes he is her knight in shining armor come to rescue her. She was nursed back to health and loved all the attention and care that Crowne gave her and she had decided that he was the one she was going to marry. All she needed was for him to turn her into a human and for her to confess her undying love for him. Even though he doesn't quite have a handle on it, she will wait by his side until he can complete the spell.
[[Physical Characteristics]]
Height:: 5 inches
Weight:: a few grams
Posture/Poise:: very proper, straight back etc
Build:: thin, perfect 'model' material
Strength:: being annoying, spying
Weakness:: everything else
Skin:: light tan
Hair:: default: long wavy, and dark brown
Eyes:: default: left eye silver and right eye gray
Other:: Hair style/color, right eye color, outfit color/style changes with emotion
Expressions:: usually
Markings:: none
Left/Right Handed:: right handed
Choice of attire:: varies depending on mood, event, what's in style etc
Accessories:: whatever matches her outfit
Weapons:: none (she does magic but doesn't remember)
Mannerism:: proper etiquette
Habits:: sighing and going off to la-la land
Health:: very good
Hygiene:: perfect
Speech Pattern:: royal
Voice:: breathy and purring
References:: N/A
[[Intellectual Characteristics]]
Intelligence level:: What others can see, not very high, actually can read magic texts and translate other languages to the universal language
Languages:: universal language
Long term goals:: to become human and marry Crowne
Short term goals:: get new outfits
Secret desires:: To become human and a high class lady
Self-confidence:: Very high
How do they see themselves:: Perfect in every way
How do they think they are perceived by others:: beautiful, intelligent, interesting
What do they like about themselves the most:: perfect
What do they like about themselves the least:: Not human
How do they express themselves:: Actions, words, and how she looks
Dominant or Submissive:: Dominant
Patience Level:: none
Ruled by Emotion or Logic:: emotion
Most at ease when:: with Crowne or sleeping
Least at ease when:: around other women
Which of the seven virtues:: Chastity
Which of the seven sins:: Lust
Greatest weakness:: vanity
Optimist or Pessimist:: Pessimist
Introvert or Extrovert:: Extrovert
Greatest Fear:: Never marrying Crowne, not knowing who she really is
Greatest Regrets:: Doesn't feel like she has any
Greatest Accomplishment:: Helping Crowne decipher a book
Darkest Secret:: Actually likes Jewel seeing how much she cares for her brother and how strong she is.
Personality Summary:: She is rash, rude, jealous, prideful and stuck up. Loves Crownes but hates Jewel and makes it difficult for Jewel without Crowne knowing. Rynebau is also quite vain and takes plenty of time to fix her appearance, trying new outfits all to attract Crowne's attention. Her head is in the clouds daydreaming of her and Crowne which she writes daily in her dairy. She also keeps a separate book for the reasons why she and Crowne are perfect for each other. (Reasons like: 'He likes daisies and so do I!' or 'He put his spoon and fork in the same place as me!') . She has been dubbed by Jewel, "The girl with extreme PMS" after her seven entities where put back into one being. Each emotion would be to it's extreme and can change suddenly without notice or reason.
Musical Talent:: can play any instrument beautifully, has no real interest in it however
Likes:: Feminine clothing, dark greens, diamonds, suns
Dislikes:: Jewel Krystice, dirt, crude men
Favorites:: elegant gowns, things that make her look beautiful
Least Favorite:: commoners
Simple Pleasures:: new outfits
Greater Pleasures:: Being around Crowne
Motto/Personal Quote:: "I will do anything for Crowne!"
Mode of Transportation:: Flies
Most Prized Possession:: A small mirror that allows her to see wherever Crowne is (except when he is in the bathroom)
Relationship Skills:: poor, she is very critical meeting people
Loves:: Crowne Krystice
Lusts:: Crowne Krystice
Crushes:: Crowne Krystice
Girlfriend/Boyfriend:: (in her mind) Crowne Krystice
Martial Status:: none (does have a fiancee but doesn't remember him)
Best Friend:: Crowne Krystice
Friends:: none
Dislikes:: Everyone else unless they prove themselves
Hates:: Jewel Krystice
Rivals:: Jewel Krystice, Marelle
Pets:: none
Perfect Partner:: unknown
Judgmental of others:: Very
Perceived by
Strangers:: snotty, stuck up, love struck, annoying
Friends:: same
Family/partner:: same
What will change people’s perception:: Seeing how much she will do for Crowne
Type of people liked to associate with:: Those who admire her or will talk about Crowne, those of high status
Type of people disliked to associate with:: everyone else, commoners
Treats others of the opposite sex:: With little interest (trying to get Crowne jealous)
Treats others of the same sex:: disdain, seeing them as rivals
What do family/close friends like most about them:: N/A
What do family/close friends like least about them:: N/A
What is their relationship like with
1. Crowne Krystice:: Very close, but he has only treated her as a friend and ally
2. Jewel Krystice:: A rivalry, detests her because of how much Crowne loves his sister
3. Marelle:: Hates because she has noticed that Marelle secretly likes him as well as hints of Crowne liking her
4. Fayne:: Assumes Fayne is a guy. Very interesting but ugly bunny like doll.
[[Emotional Characteristics]]
Sense of Morals:: none
Etiquette:: proper, high class
Sense of Self-control:: none (tries her best around Crowne)
Act in public:: like a snob
Act around strangers:: demanding, bossy, snobby
Act around friends:: feels more relaxed and may not be AS annoying
Changed from childhood:: unknown
Remained the same:: unknown
Deals with:: (these will refer to AFTER the accident w/ a spell. All other feelings resume to default)
Anger:: left eye, outfit color, and hair color turns red. Will yell your ears off, tries to use physical force with equals to pains like pinches and needle stabs.
Sorrow:: left eye, outfit color, and hair color turns blue. Cries a lot and writes in her diary. Confides in Crowne as well. Doesn't show others her weakness.
Conflict/Danger:: Hides behind Crowne who will protect her
Rejection:: left eye, outfit color, and hair color turns blue.
Fear:: Searches for Crowne's protection
Change:: Reaction varies on situation. Excited about fashion change, not excited about wars
Excitement:: /hyper= left eye, outfit color, and hair color turns orange. Starts to talk a lot and flutter around in circles a lot
Loss:: left eye, outfit color, and hair color turns blue. Doesn't cry a lot but will lock herself into a small area in Crowne's work area and won't speak to anyone.
Being incorrect:: left eye, outfit color, and hair color turns red. Gets angry and attacks. Eventually cools down and waves it off as if it wasn't that big of a mistake.
Guilt:: Hates it and tries to ignore it. Eventually tried to do what's right.
Peer Pressure:: Doesn't suffer from it, she CAUSES it
Stress:: Frets a lot, babbles, and flies into things more frequently
Pain:: left eye, outfit color, and hair color turns blue. Whimpers and complains
Being Criticized:: Inwardly feels bad, outwardly she acts like she doesn't care. If it is Crowne however she will change. No questions asked.
Praise:: left eye, outfit color, and hair color turns yellow. Basks in it and enjoys every second of it.
Love:: left eye, outfit color, and hair color turns pink. Gets giddy and acts like a typical teen in love.
Humiliation:: Hides for days until Crowne can coax her out
Mischievous:: left eye, outfit color, and hair color turns purple. Likes to create havoc with those who flirt or get too close with Crowne.
Jealousy:: left eye, outfit color, and hair color turns pale green. Will do whatever it takes to get what she wants.
Being hated::left eye, outfit color, and hair color turns blue.
How does this character think/feel about::
Marriage:: Wants to get married
Children:: Hopes to have children
Love:: Only love she has is for Crowne and how she looks
The opposite Sex:: little to no interest
Drugs and Alcohol:: Hates what it does to people
Killing/Murder:: Disgusts her
Life:: will enjoy every moment of it and cannot live if Crowne is not in it.
Death:: Fears it
Society:: Should serve her
Their own death:: Fears it
What they want out of life:: To be Crowne's wife.
What would they like to change in their life:: To become human so she can marry Crowne.
Motivation:: Crowne asking her to do something
Discourages:: Crowne criticizes or corrects her for being wrong
Happiness:: Being around Crowne, getting new outfits
Sorrow:: Not being around Crowne
Angry:: Not being noticed or center of attention

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